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Stay current and up to date with some of the more creative pin back button projects we work on.

Instagram @SixCentPress Too big for the bank...
Instagram @SixCentPress They grow up fast!!
Instagram @SixCentPress Half poodle, half eagle... Sure!!
Instagram @SixCentPress Head over to @hootsuite to guess how many buttons are in the photo for…
Instagram @SixCentPress Part of our private collection!
Instagram @SixCentPress Your child is in safe hands with Sneekers The Clown! Vintage button...
Instagram @SixCentPress ⚠️CREW ONLY⚠️
Instagram @SixCentPress From early 2004 the 2nd button to roll off the Six Cent Press assembly…
Instagram @SixCentPress @thelurk1 LURKLANDIA art show @fortunesound this friday night!