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Stay current and up to date with some of the more creative pin back button projects we work on.

Instagram @SixCentPress Our vintage Klondike Days button, now known as K-Days. The summer fair…
Instagram @SixCentPress NO... Just NO...
Instagram @SixCentPress These are embroidered patches made as pin-back buttons... #waitwhat ??
Instagram @SixCentPress We made a button of our production manager @jpreszcator cause we can!…
Instagram @SixCentPress I'm never gonna drink again #yeahright
Instagram @SixCentPress Alberta Forestry reminds us to be fire conscious this summer. I'm…
Instagram @SixCentPress Canada's number one selling passenger car, is the Honda #civic…
Instagram @SixCentPress It's a RUFF life! #blacklab
Instagram @SixCentPress A vintage button with a lasting message...