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Stay current and up to date with some of the more creative pin back button projects we work on.

Instagram @SixCentPress ☀️
Instagram @SixCentPress Today on the blog:nAlberta College of Art + Design…
Instagram @SixCentPress The Grouse Grind will fire up the ol' furnace on these Autumnal…
Instagram @SixCentPress Today on the blog:n#craftivism buttons make perfect…
Instagram @SixCentPress Sometimes one middle finger isn't enough... Art by Chelsea…
Instagram @SixCentPress Today on the blog:nA showcase of @port_paper_co & their We ❤️…
Instagram @SixCentPress Getting excited for hockey season with our vintage button! #shootthepuck
Instagram @SixCentPress Today on the blog:nFairtrade Canada defines high standards with…
Instagram @SixCentPress Custom pinback buttons for that special birthday celebration!…