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Stay current and up to date with some of the more creative pin back button projects we work on.

Instagram @SixCentPress "Ship my pants? Right here? Ship my pants, you're…
Instagram @SixCentPress Printer upgrade day #xeroxc75press
Instagram @SixCentPress Cat breading is sooo 2010, still funny though! #inbread
Instagram @SixCentPress The first recorded hikers to reach the summit, was back in 1894...…
Instagram @SixCentPress Nice pint full of buttons over @steelandoak
Instagram @SixCentPress A cut & paste collage to compliment our vintage 3" button!…
Instagram @SixCentPress Thanks for the photo guys! @yyjrocktographers
Instagram @SixCentPress Penny is loving the newly painted floors... #RuffLife
Instagram @SixCentPress January is detox month... #healthiswealth #illdrinktothat