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Stay current and up to date with some of the more creative pin back button projects we work on.

Instagram @SixCentPress Perfect gifts for nature lovers... @junehunterimages
Instagram @SixCentPress Some of the best whale watching in the world! In beautiful #Ucluelet B.C.
Instagram @SixCentPress Alberta Energy and Natural Resources button from the 1980's #ladybug
Instagram @SixCentPress Some vintage buttons with that undying message for #peace
Instagram @SixCentPress Cool design on this 1970's #purina button!
Instagram @SixCentPress TA-DA!! 10,000 2.25" buttons ready for shipping... #rubbermaid #boom
Instagram @SixCentPress Night Eyes is the debut album of @savviemusic
Instagram @SixCentPress We are in search of a career orientated individual to join our busy…
Instagram @SixCentPress Relax... It's Friday!! #TGIF