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Stay current and up to date with some of the more creative pin back button projects we work on.

Instagram @SixCentPress Yup! This button doesn't lie... #lablife
Instagram @SixCentPress Too soon?? #cosby button from our own collection.
Instagram @SixCentPress We're Hiring!nnWe are in search of individuals with exceptionally…
Instagram @SixCentPress Regram of some 1" buttons for @cyclelikeagirl
Instagram @SixCentPress New 1.75" button packs for legendary Canadian @rickhansenfdn…
Instagram @SixCentPress Industry gear by industry guys, established in 2006 @mediumrarechef
Instagram @SixCentPress 1.25" buttons & 1" magnets for @eastvanbrewing #EVBC
Instagram @SixCentPress Some motivational buttons for the Vancouver Canucks! Designed by…
Instagram @SixCentPress 1.25" buttons for @646weightlifting Awesome weightlifting tees…