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Stay current and up to date with some of the more creative pin back button projects we work on.

Instagram @SixCentPress Take off, eh? #getlost #runalong
Instagram @SixCentPress We've added little bodies onto these 1" pinback buttons! #toocute
Instagram @SixCentPress Hang in there kiddo... #braceface
Instagram @SixCentPress Flannel shirt buttons replaced by 1" pinback buttons? #whynot
Instagram @SixCentPress Your favourite comical egg! Just in time for Easter weekend @eggmancomicsgng
Instagram @SixCentPress Repost of the nearly opened @bowenislandpizzaco
Instagram @SixCentPress This retro button has a cool look! Known as the "Pacific…
Instagram @SixCentPress Check out the @vancouvertattooshow this weekend and grab these 1"…
Instagram @SixCentPress Thinking of Ernie Coombs aka Mr. Dressup with our collectible vintage…