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Stay current and up to date with some of the more creative pin back button projects we work on.

Instagram @SixCentPress #fckcancer
Instagram @SixCentPress Insite is North America’s first and only legal supervised injection…
Instagram @SixCentPress #lennyface getting creepy on these 1" pin back buttons...
Instagram @SixCentPress Some nice 1" buttons packs designed by @teaganoc On there way to…
Instagram @SixCentPress 1.75" buttons for the release of the 2016 video game #cuphead -…
Instagram @SixCentPress A ride down a slippery slope that we can all agree too, especially in…
Instagram @SixCentPress A couple of our favourite books from when we were teenagers, once upon…
Instagram @SixCentPress A very stylish set of 1.25" buttons, designed by @danica_studio
Instagram @SixCentPress 1.75" pin back button, showing love for all things #science