Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous Buttons
If you find yourself in Canada’s far North this week, head West to Whitehorse, where in 3 days you can celebrate in the 50th Anniversary of the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous Festival- the only legal cure for Cabin Fever blues.
Residents of the Yukon have been celebrating winter since 1964, nowadays the festival includes a selection of wacky entertainment & contests such as lip synching, hair freezing, cross dressing and, of course, beard growing.
With pride, Six Cent Press has been the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous official pin back button supplier for 5+ years. If you reside in the province of the Yukon or the Territories we have your pin back button needs covered and button machines ready to ship. We are always surprised how quick button shipments reach their destination so quickly, so far North.